Thank you
Denise Fowler, Chief Executive
You’ve made it to the end of your annual report for 2021-22, so what’s next for Phoenix?
We are operating in uncertain times and like other landlords have challenges ahead, including meeting net zero carbon emissions by 2050, responding to the new fire and building safety requirements, supporting our residents with the cost of living crisis, as well as building new homes to meet housing need.
We want to respond to everyone’s needs, making sure we are open and accessible and have clear, up to date service standards that we set and monitor together. We are reviewing our customer services strategy to ensure that we continually challenge ourselves to improve.
We are planning to carry out a review of our governance structure, to make sure that residents remain at the heart of decision-making at Phoenix. We want to ensure that our model sets an example for the rest of the housing sector.
As we celebrate turning 15 this year, and as we look to the future, one thing has and will always stay the same as at the beginning when Phoenix was founded. We are resident-led!
In 2007, we made the promise to involve residents in ensuring our homes were of a safe and decent standard. Working with residents, we’ve invested over £170 million since transfer in improving existing homes and we’ve built much-needed new ones to address the housing crisis in South Lewisham, with more to come.
We still have a lot to do, but we remain ambitious, with strong foundations to build on. None of our achievements would have been possible without you and we hope that you’ll join us in defining our next steps. Thank you!
Carmen Simpson, Board Chair and Phoenix tenant
Denise Fowler, Chief Executive